Thursday, February 17, 2011


             During homecoming week, January 10th through 14th, the inevitable occurred.  Snow fell deeper than just one inch in Pearcy, Arkansas.  The five inches of snow that accumulated had students rejoicing at the prospect of not having school on  Monday, January 10th.  Due to the strange Arkansas weather, the administrators of Lake Hamilton School District called off school during most of Basketball Homecoming week.
The snow began Sunday afternoon and continued into Monday morning, leaving the starving artists to stay home and paint until their hands became so thin and frail, they threatened to wither away completely.  Then, late Monday afternoon everyone got a text saying “NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!” and the 80’s rockers, 90’s walkman owners, and 50’s poodle skirt wearers were burdened with chores and endless fun in the snow.  Everyone was anxious to hear what Wednesday would bring; another snow day or school?  Well, when the news that the icy roads on the bus routes were too dangerous to drive on, school was cancelled.  All of the Cowboys and Indies would have a draw and stay home; everyone was ecstatic.  That is everyone aside from a few bored students including Caina Cowart, who wrote on her Facebook wall that she didn’t know what to do with all of the extra time.  For some, the weather meant a social block.  Others took the opportunity to embrace photography or sled the snowy slopes.  It too quickly ended and everyone went back to school on Thursday to express their favorite genre through their clothing. 
I saw many students dressed as Indie music lovers and Hip Hop music masters.  One senior known for her love of dance and music is Jordan Harris.  She choreographs and performs various Hip Hop dance routines and definitely sported some cool Hip Hop attire on Thursday.  Then, it was Friday and the homecoming festivities were under way.  The maids were escorted onto the auditorium stage, looking stunning with their handsome escorts.  Later that night, the maids were presented with their evening escorts and the beautiful Erica Spivey was crowned the Basketball Homecoming Queen.  Afterwards, the games began and the student section went wild! 
          Although they were not victorious, the boys and girls basketball teams played with fierce effort and determination.  The student section represented Lake Hamilton’s intense school spirit very effectively with their cheering and dedication towards the Wolves and the Lady Wolves.  The maids rocked the court with their beautiful dresses and winning smiles.  The snow fell and the students rejoiced, the promise of no school granted.  In my opinion, this year’s basketball homecoming week was definitely one of a kind.

Taylor Duke

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